The Staff Selection Commission conducted the Combined Graduate Level Examination
(Tier-I), 2023 from 14.07.2023 to 27.07.2023 in the Computer Based Mode.
- Based on marks scored in Tier-I Examination, candidates have been shortlisted,
category-wise, to appear in Tier-II examination. Separate cut-offs have been fixed for the posts
of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer (List-1), Junior Statistical Officer
(JSO) (List-2), Statistical Investigator Grade-II (SI) (List-3) and all other posts (List-4). - As the Tier-I (Computer Based Examination) was conducted in multiple shifts, marks
scored by the candidates have been normalized as per the formula published by the
Commission on its website on 07.02.2019. Such normalized marks have been used to qualify
candidates for the next stage of Examination (i.e. Tier-II). - The cut off lists are as follows:
List-1: Candidates shortlisted in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I and Paper-III
{General Studies (Finance & Economics)} (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer
and Assistant Accounts Officer):

*In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 30-SC, 2-ST, 713-OBC, 369-EWS
and 2-OH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off at this stage, have been shown under their
respective categories.
Note 1: VH candidates qualifying in their respective vertical categories have not been
considered eligible for List-1 as the posts are not identified suitable for VH candidates in the
notice of the previous year examination i.e. CGLE 2021.
List-2: Candidates shortlisted in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I and Paper-II
(Statistics)] (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer):

List-3: Candidates shortlisted in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I and Paper-II
(Statistics)] (for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr.II):

List-4: Candidates shortlisted in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II (Paper-I) (for all other

5. The Tier-II of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023 is tentatively scheduled
from 25.10.2023 to 27.10.2023.