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Abbreviations of Computer and Information Technology Related Terms

This section contains frequently asked abbreviation in various exams and useful for CUET, SSC, Railways, Banking, CTET and other Competitive Examinations.

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – A

AD – Active Directory

ADC – Analog to Digital Convertor

ARP – Address Resolution Protocol

AH – Active Hub

AI – Artificial Intelligence

 AL – Active Link

ALGOL–  Algorithmic Language

ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

AM – Active Monitor

APCI – Application layer Protocol Control Information

API – Application Program Interface

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ATM – Automated Teller Machine

ADF – Automatic Document Feeder

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet –  B

BINAC – Binary Automatic Computer

Bcc – Blind Carbon Copy

 BMP – Bitmap

BASIC – Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal

BCR – Bar Code Reader

BD – Blu-ray Disc

Bin – Binary

BIOS – Basic Input Output System

B2B – Business to Business

Bit – Binary Digit

BLOG – Web Log

BPI – Bytes/Bits Per Inch

BPL – Broadband over Power Line

BPS – Bits Per Second

BSNL – Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – C

Cc – Carbon Copy

CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CAD – Computer Aided Design

COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language

CD – Compact Disc

COMAL – Common Algorithmic Language

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CRT – Cathod Ray Tube

CSS – Cascading Style Sheet

CU – Control Unit

CTCP – Client-To-Client Protocol

CD-R – Compact Disc Recordable

CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory

 CD-RW – Compact Disc Rewritable

CD-R/W – Compact Disc-Read/Write

CG – Computer Graphics

CGI – Common Gateway Interface

 COM – Common Object Mode

 CLI – Command Line Interface

 CLR – Common Language Runtime

CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – D

DAC – Digital to Analog Convertor

DAP – Directory Access Protocol

DB – Database

DBA – Database Administrator

DBMS – Database Management System

DCC – Direct Client-to-Client

DCL – Data Control Language

DFS –  Distributed File System

DHTML – Dynamic HyperText Markup Language

DLL – Dynamic Link Library

DLP – Digital Light Processing

DMA – Direct Memory Access

DNS – Domain Name System

DPI – Dots Per Inch

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRDO – Defence Research and Development Organisation

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

DTP – Desktop Publishing

DVD – Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc

DVDR – Digital Video Disc-Recordable

DVD-ROM – DVD-Read Only Memory

DVD-RW – DVD-Rewritable

DVR – Digital Video Recorder

DOS – Disk Operating System

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – E

EBCDIC -Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

E-Commerce – Electronic Commerce

EDO – Extended Data Out

EDP – Electronic Data Processing

EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

E-Mail – Electronic Mail ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

EOF – End Of File

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

 EXE – Executable EDI Electronic Data Interchange

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – F

FAT – File Allocation Table

FAX – Facsimile

FDC – Floppy Disk Controller

FDD – Floppy Disk Drive

FIFO – First In First Out

FORTRAN – Formula Translation

 FPU – Floating Point Unit

FS – File System

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

 FPS – Frame Per Second

FLOPS – Floating Point Operations Per Second

 FAQ – Frequently Asked Question

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – G

 Gb – Gigabit

GB – Gigabyte

 GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out

GPU – Graphics Processing Unit

GSM – Global System for Mobile communication

GUI – Graphical User Interface

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – H

HLL – High Level Language

HPFS – High Performance File System

HDD – Hard Disk Drive

HSM – Hierarchical Storage Management

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – I

IBM – International Business Machine

 IS – Information System

IM – Instant Message

IMAP –  Internet Message Access Protocol

iOS– iphone Operating System

IP – Internet Protocol

ISDN -Integrated Services Digital Network

ISOC–  Internet Society

ISP – Internet Service Provider

ISR – Interrupt Service Routine

 IT –  Information Technology

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – J

JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group

JRE – Java Runtime Environment

JS – Java Script

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – K

 Kb – Kilobit

 KB – Kilobyte

KHz – Kilohertz

Kbps – Kilobit Per Second

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – L

LAN – Local Area Network

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LDU – Liquid Display Unit

LED – Light Emitting Diode

LIFO – Last In First Out

LPI – Lines Per Inch

LIPS – List Processing

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – M

MAN – Metropolitan Area Network

Mb – Megabit

MB – Megabyte

MBR – Master Boot Record

MAC – Media Access Control

MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group

MMS – Multimedia Messaging Service

MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MSN – Microsoft Network

MDI – Multiple Document Interface

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

MIMO – Multiple-Input Multiple-Output

MIPS – Million Instructions Per Second

MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – N

NFS – Network File System

NIC – Network Interface Card

NOS – Network Operating System

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – O

 OCR – Optical Character Recognition

OMR – Optical Mark Reader

OOP – Object Oriented Programming

OS – Operating System

OSS – Open Source Software

OLE – Object Linking and Embedding

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – P

P2P – Peer-to-Peer

PAN – Personal Area Network

PAP – Password Authentication Protocol

PC – Personal Computer

PCL – Printed Command Language

PDF – Portable Document Format

PDL – Program Design Language

PIO – Programmed Input/Output

PLA – Programmable Logic Array

PL 1 – Programming Language 1

PnP – Plug and Play

 POS – Point Of Sales

PPM – Pages Per Minute

PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol

PPTP – Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

PSU – Power Supply Unit

POST  – Power On Self Test

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – Q

QDR – Quad Data Rate

QoS – Quality of Service

QBE – Query By Example

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – R

RAM – Random Access Memory

RARP – Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

RIP – Routing Information Protocol

ROM – Read Only Memory

ROMB – Read Out Motherboard

RPG – Report Program Generator

RTOS – Real Time Operating System

RTF – Rich Text Format

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – S

SaaS – Software as a Service

SAN – Storage Area Network

SCSI – Small Computer System Interface

SDL – Simple Direct Media Layer

SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNOBOL – String Oriented and Symbolic Language SP Service Pack

SQL – Structured Query Language

 SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

SVD – Structured VLSI Design

SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol

SIM – Subscriber Identification Module

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – T

TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access

TTA – True Tap Audio

TTF – True Type Font

 TTS – Text-To-Speech

TTY –  Tele Type

TFT – Thin-Film Transistor

TB – Terabytes

 ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – U

UAC – User Account Control UI User Interface

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply

URI – Uniform Resource Identifier

 URL – Uniform Resource Locator

URN – Uniform Resource Name

USB – Universal Serial Bus

ULSI – Ultra Large Scale Integration

UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer

UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – V

VAR –  Variable

VB – Visual Basic

VDD – Virtual Device Driver

 VGA –  Video Graphics Array

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

VM – Virtual Memory

VMS – Video Memory System

 VPN – Virtual Private Network

VT – Video Terminal

VSNL – Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

 VDU – Visual Display Unit

VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration

VRAM –  Video Random Access Memory

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – W

WAN – Wide Area Network

WAP – Wireless Application Protocol

Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity

WiMax- Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

WINS – Windows Internet Naming Service

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WMA – Wireless Media Audio

WMV – Wireless Media Video

WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access

WWAN – Wireless Wide Area Network

WWW – World Wide Web

WLL – Wireless Local Loop

WORM – Write Once Read Many

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – X

XHTML – eXtensible HyperText Markup Language

XML – eXtensible Markup Language

 XNS – Xerox Network Services

XUL – XML User interface Language

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – Y

 YB – Yotta byte

ABBREVIATION started with the Alphabet – Z

ZIFS – Zero Insertion Force Socket

ZIP – Zone Information Protocol

ZISC – Zone Instruction Set Computer

ZMA – Zone Multicast Address

 ZNA – Zone Network Administration

ZB – Zettabyte

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